Real Love

Real Love
We’ve all heard of young love. True love.
Yet it is Real Love that is truly here to stay.

❤ that sees you through not only in the ups but downs in life.

❤ where you never ever have to question where you stand.

❤ that is incredibly selfless,generously kind and beautiful regardless of your flaws.

In light of 13 Corinthians Love

13Corinthians Love

Image by Lovehonourrespect org 2013

Just so you know, even if you searched to the ends of the earth, you’ll never find a Love like our Heavenly Father has for us! ❤

This amazing, golden starlight love isn’t just about your significant other, it’s about the people in your life who genuinely care- family, friends even colleagues cheering you on in this life.

But in the 21st century of social media and screens as a way of life, relationships (not just romantic ones!) just got a whole lot more complicated.

So it helps knowing what to do.

Welcome to real love, real lessons learnt 😉